Tuesday, September 15, 2009


inspiring video
it'll touch your heart

cross roads

life is full of these from what i have gone though. You take a turn and you might miss out on something else. the worst part is you can't make a U-turn and go back. Sacrifices have to be made.. this does not mean big ones only but the little things too.. Such as i have give up playing around and slacking to study for a better future. Parents HELP alot in guiding you though the turns in life.. Thank GOD for them. they make life so much more simple and you don't get hurt so much when you fall. I think one's teenage years is the part of ones life that is filled with these cross roads. cause i had to give up quite a few thinks to make way for new things in my life.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


it's coming to an end.. My schooling life. what experiences that were experienced. what i'll give to do it a second time :D. but life has to go on. i wondering why all the good stuff happened when i'm leaving the school. it's weird. totally. But in the present time allot is going on. I say. so much drama in school. lucky i got my good friends in school to back me up and my brothers in cell for support. for a long time i have been wondering what's the big fuss about having a girlfriend or boyfriend. isn't it a boy or a girl that's a friend.i come to realise that some of us may feel that desire to be with someone is uncontrollable. This is nonsense.. it only lead to disaster if you follow your heart. I have seen many of my friends relationship crash or ended because of this fact. Love is not a feeling. It's a commitment. something you have to build on. It must not be taken for granted. Having A BF or GF is not A fad . please people do hook up just to show the whole world that you have someone..YOU're sending allot of wrong messages to people by doing so.. and don't tell me you're lonely , don't you have your friends and parents. can't you open up to them. find somebody who can be accountable for you don't bottle up your burdens in yourself share it with someone you trust. does not have to be your GF or BF .